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As an Account Executive for France, you’ll play a key role in shaping our success and expanding Palisis’s presence in the market
Indice dei contenuti
Chief Revenue Officer
Palisis is a leading provider of travel technology solutions, trusted by sightseeing operators in over 125 countries. With a presence in Switzerland, Spain, Germany, the UK, the US, and the Nordics, we offer seamless ticketing, reservations, and distribution systems. Our mission is to empower operators in the tours and attractions industry, allowing them to focus on delivering unforgettable experiences while we handle the technology, from booking to boarding.
Remote position | Based in France
We seek a driven and experienced Account Executive (AE) to expand our presence in France. As an AE, you will drive revenue growth by building strong relationships, closing deals, and ensuring our clients’ success. Working closely with Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) and Customer Success teams, you will contribute to achieving company objectives and growing our market presence.
This is a fantastic opportunity to impact the tours and attractions industry as part of a collaborative and innovative team. As an Account Executive for France, you’ll play a key role in shaping our success and expanding Palisis’s presence in the market.
Submit your application below or send it to
Our friendly team would love to hear from you
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Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work
As an Account Executive for Italy, you’ll play a key role in shaping our success and expanding Palisis’s presence in the market
As an account executive for the DACH region, you’ll have a direct impact on expanding Palisis’s footprint and contributing to our growth
We’re seeking a driven and experienced Account Executive (AE) to expand our presence in Spain and Portugal
Seeking a charismatic and versatile Sales Development Representatives to join our team and assist travel operators in Portugal & Spain in realising the untapped potential of their businesses
As a Senior Java Developer, you will have the unique opportunity to contribute to the design, development, and improvements to our products.
Seeking a charismatic and versatile Sales Development Representative to join our team and assist travel operators in Germany and Austria in realising the untapped potential of their businesses